dilluns, 27 d’abril del 2020

Introduction video

Hello, fourth graders!

We're still working with the introduction video. You have time to do it until Friday 1st of May to send it to me.

Remember there are some steps.

1) Watch video one. 

2) Look at the example


3) Complete the information sheet. You can also do it in a notebook and take a photo.

Information sheet

You can send me your writing to gamer@ceipescolanova.com

4) Wait for my correction and new instructions.

You can check your classmates' videos here.


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Comiat curs 19-20

Amb el video que teniu aquí vos volem desitjar un bon estiu i agrair-vos l'esforç i la paciència que heu tengut.  Hem estat molt conten...